We know the struggle. You have been dreaming for ages to own a co-working or a co-living space. You have probably started at a classic office job, you have felt trapped by all the social pressure of staying at work late. Then you have probably turned freelancer and you started to be a remote worker, heading to co-working, café or hotel using the Wi-Fi and working with other colleagues. Then at some point the question started growing within yourself: "What if one day I run my own workspace?"
It turns out that dream became a tangible reality: you started studying how the world of co-working and co-living works, understanding the budget, which kind of investement you need for the startup. Then you start thinking to the perfect region and city to rent or buy a space. Then you thought about the design of your place! Wow, it really looked beautiful in your mind and then an architect draw a real project. This led to the construction moment, when all the desks would come in, when the internet would be set up. Meanwhile you started an online campaign on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, Messenger, you gathered plenty of email to start a newsletter and letting the world know that you are ready to launch a new shiny workspace.
And then it finally began:
🎉 your co-working or co-living is open, hurray 🎉
However, it is now the moment to do a reality check: yes, people came to your space for the inauguration and they have had a little bit of the bubbley, but not so many then bought a subscription to permanently stay there. What did you do wrong?
Regardless of you being already a Co-Working or Co-Living Owner, a manager at an exhistent space or somebody that is still trying to understand if they want to open up a new business, no worries: CoLivingValley.com🌞 is here to help!
With over 150+ co-working and co-living visited worlwide, the team at CoLivingValley.com🌞 holds a huge expertise regarding the best strategies to attract clients. Join our newsletter below to learn more!
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